Tuesday, April 24, 2012


So many transitions! From a big company to a small company. From a well established brand to a fledgling brand. From a pure marketing role to sales engineering/marketing/partner rep/bottle washer. From user experience solutions to storage solutions. What a ride so far.

The most fun though has been moving from representing a 'known' technology to representing a new, disruptive technology. There's nothing like a customer call where everyone is nodding their heads in agreement and sitting forward in their seats, anxious to ask the next question. Who would have ever thought talking about storage could be so exciting and interesting??  :-)

Just today, Rita (Joseph) and I had 60 minutes of time with two senior level government execs downtown. Not even 30 minutes into the meeting (which was our first visit with this team, btw), they were already identifying projects for us. Wow! I'm accustomed to it taking 2 or 3 visits before a customer begins to grasp the concepts that were being presented! And this meeting is illustrative of all the meetings we've had thus far.

As a sales engineering/marketing/partner rep/bottle washer, I feel like I'm working in the midst of the perfect storm, a customer market with definable pain and technology that offers a fresh, easy to explain solution to the pain.

Yep, transitions can be awesome.

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